Friday, July 20, 2012

Growth revisited

Before Daddy left for this last deployment he kept telling me that he was proud of me that I had really grown. I didn't see it, personally, but I thanked him. I thought he was doing the self-fulfilling prophecy thing - you know - if I tell her she has grown, she will grow.

While he was gone, I grabbed onto whatever I could to keep him close. I wrote every single day to keep him present for me and the boys, and to help him feel connected in a very foreign, isolated, lonely environment. I reread every single communication we had, cards, letters, notes jotted on the way out the door to appointments, and while we were not blogging at the time, I used journal entries to allow  me to process certain things.

Daddy and I do have a discipline dynamic. I have been corrected exactly once, disciplined lots of times - yes, there is a difference for us. Correction is what some would call punishment, and discipline is more or less for reinforcing our roles, what some might call maintenance.

I read back over my thoughts at the time, and the things I said to him and I felt like my heart had been cut from my body. At the time Daddy said I was not to beat myself up over it. We had cleared the air, and it was in the past. And for a long while I didn't. But looking back at it, and the things I journaled, I was, and am appalled and ashamed at how I treated this person who is my world, who I love and respect and trust to lead me. I apologized to him again, when he came home. I am ashamed to admit that I was cold and distant and ....not the June that I am at my heart. I don't know what possessed me. It is physically and emotionally painful to recall. I said after it happened that I would try to be better. With these months between I know that I am not that person anymore. This is something that I would never, ever do to my man again. He deserves so much better than that. I might never be perfect, but I can be better, I AM better.

Part of what Daddy said at the time was that I was forgiven, and that we would leave that behind us and we would learn and grow. And we have left it behind us, for which I am grateful. And I have learned, and I have grown. I can see it now, in retrospect. I'm grateful that I have a man, a leader who leads me gently and helps me to grow so softly that I don't even feel the growing pains.

I love you, my heart, my soul, my world, my man, my Daddy. I love that you love me regardless of whether I deserve it. I love that you change me for the better. I love looking towards the horizon with you. I love that we are stronger every single moment of every single day for all of eternity, and all that comes after.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Fondlers Anonymous.

      {{{hugs}}} back :)

  2. I love this beautiful post on the power of forgiveness and change. Like you, I have been corrected exactly once. Unlike you, that's so far this week. Believe me, I feel my growing pains! I'm glad you have such a gentle leader to guide you through these changes which are expressions of your authentic self.

    1. I count myself extraordinarily lucky, movingon. It takes but a gentle, consistent whisper of wind to shape stone. And the stone is smoothed and shaped and made beautiful.

  3. It's nice you have your journal to look back at and see the growth that wasn't obvious to you at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 :)

    1. It is, faerie, and when I saw it, I was completely surprised. I guess it's true, that sometimes we are harder on ourselves than anyone else ever could be. I see growth and change and effort on his part, but on my own? Not so much, lol :)

  4. We are going through a deployment right now and the things you wrote in this entry reflect my feelings exactly. Thank you!

    1. (((hugs))) and you're most welcome, Anonymous, it's the hardest thing ever. But it does make you stronger, believe it or not. And it makes clear the things that are really important, and your feelings. It's certainly not our favorite thing in the world, but it is survivable. My thoughts and prayers are with you both, and if you ever just need to talk, my mailbox is open.


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