Friday, August 30, 2013

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu


Everyone gets there sooner or later, I guess. Ward and I have been talking about it a lot lately. And while this blog served us for quite a long time, it may be time to move on. We enjoyed sharing some of our thoughts and ramblings, and we've enjoyed reading some of yours. It has helped us through times when we were separated, and helped me at least to feel not so alone with some of the squickier things I have long held in my heart - self-defeating beliefs, fears and insecurities. 

To those of you who have held my hand through all of those times, I thank you. To those of you who know who I am, and what kind of heart I have, I thank you for never losing sight of that, and for understanding what I was trying to say, even when the words could have been misconstrued. The saying is true, I suppose, there are circumstances that will really show you who your friends are. And I thank them for that wholeheartedly. You guys always know where to find me, and I hope you choose to keep in touch.

Sometimes there is just nothing left to say, and I guess this is one of those times. We wish you all immensely wonderful things in your life. May God give you...for every storm, a rainbow; for every tear, a smile; for every care, a promise; and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share, for every sigh, a sweet song, and an answer for each prayer.
And as the Irish blessing goes:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


HIS POV:  Time flies doesn't it?   As June said, we've been considering a lot of things lately, including the direction that The Dish should take.  I would like to personally thank everyone that supported June while I was deployed, offered encouraging words and open arms when she needed it the most.  I would also like to extend a deep and heartfelt thank you to everyone that went above and beyond to connect with us ...  Thank you for your continued support and friendship, it means so much more than June and I are able to say here. We hope that everyone enjoys a communicative, prospersous life and a happy healthy relationship.  June and I are on the precipice of a new adventure... We are striving to explore each other on an even deeper level and can't wait to begin.   Thanks again everyone and take care.

 The end of every journey is the begining of a new one!,