Saturday, April 28, 2012

Examining Submission Journaling Exercise - Day 11

Do you include service as a part of your expectations of your submission? How do you define service? What does it mean to you? If not, what is it about the concept of service that is not for you?

This one is answered solely in the context of my relationship with Ward. Because that has deepened and changed with our relationship.

To serve Daddy I let him know that he is respected and held in high regard. I elevate him not only in our home, but to the world in general. To the best of my abilities, and with acknowledgment of my humanity and it's inherent faults, conduct myself within the guidelines that he has set. I do my best to make our home a comfortable, peaceful place for our family.

I like having things done for him, if possible, or if not, providing him with the research so that he can make a decision (say a plumbing issue, I obviously can't fix it, but I will get estimates for the job ready for him). I try to be anticipatory. He's had a bad day, have things ready, a bath drawn, meal ready, pamper the day out of him.
He does all the same things for me. We serve each other. We relieve each other. We care for each other.

How I would define service? I guess the closest would be anticipating, meeting and exceeding if possible, the wants/needs/desires of the person you love, so that they understand how greatly they are valued.


  1. i love your blog, June. Your words reflect my feelings exactly towards my Master / Daddy. i will be following your posts because i love your blog! i would like to get to know you as well. How is that done in the blog world if at all?

    well wishes,


    1. Thank you for your kind words, lily. Our email is I love to make new friends.

  2. "How I would define service? I guess the closest would be anticipating, meeting and exceeding if possible, the wants/needs/desires of the person you love, so that they understand how greatly they are valued."

    All I can say is...perfect. I agree so much with that statement. :)

    1. Thanks, MonstrsNightmare - I think we're kinda twinnies :) lol

    2. Lol, maybe just a leeeettle bit. ;)


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