Saturday, June 1, 2013

DD/TTWD, Spanking, and Self-Discovery


DD/TTWD is truly an amazing, vibrant lifestyle. We get the benefit of learning and being even more mindful of our partner's ideas, thoughts, dreams and desires. Even though June and I came into our relationship "as is", we have also discovered much about each other. When we were at the "feeling out" stage of our relationship,  there was certainly some trepidation about some of the things that we both felt and enjoyed. We have routinely  been delighted to find out that our communication has  led to us  being completely and utterly on the same page. June and I have come to realize that we probably belong to a sub-category of DD/TTWDers that may in fact be all our own.  We have alluded to, suggested, and even plainly stated that we are in fact spanking enthusiasts as well as a practicing DD/TTWD couple.


 I guess to some that might seem like an oxymoron, but June and I couldn't imagine life any other way. We also know that there are quite a few professed "spank-nos" out there.  I would also go a bit further and dare ask a question.... What if the line were blurred? What would happen if spanking wasn't used strictly for correction? What would happen if you discovered a wonderful tool that led to you talking more, touching more, kissing more, and making love deeper and stronger?  I'm sure you're all saying that it's easy for me to say and that my own backside isn't on the line, but truth is that far beyond correction or even discipline, there is something about spanking that calls to our shared sense of intimacy. It's more than just sexy, it's more than just something we do, it's who we are and what we share with nobody else. It brings us clarity, focus and speaks deep of the devotion that we hone daily.


 It doesn't necessarily have to be spanking.  We realize  that everyone is different, unique, special. That is in fact part of the magic of relationships. Romance, dedication and communication can unveil more than what simply passes a passionate fancy... No, sometimes intimate, connective time unveils a deeper side of our relationship. The kind we guard, the kind we have a thirst for... Those defining intimate moments that you savor while you are at work and pop into your head while you are doing a load of laundry. Even now typing this I am reminded of the thirst I have for June's love, affection, touch and sweet, soft kindness.  Every day in every way this energy, this intimacy defines a relationship.  June and I just happen to think that spanking in it's many sumptuous forms happens to be a perfect vehicle for this.


Self-discovery begins with but a few words, communication is the key. Do you have a unrequited passion that you long to share with your partner? Tell them, show them how you feel, and that it's more than that tingly feeling  or something that curls your toes.  Trepidation much?  Sometimes the only way to gain new ground is to take the first step and give voice to our thoughts, dreams, and yes, desires.  Likewise, take the time to give ear to the voice of your partner... Work together to find that special place that belongs to you as a couple and you as a couple alone.  Find that spark, let if blossom into the beautiful flames of deep intimacy. 


 Knowing these things, DD/TTWD has actually improved in every aspect for us.  That connection we speak of, that intimacy drives us to be our best. June is the best woman that I've ever had the pleasure to know, and she puts everything into being loving wife, mother, and best friend.  DD/TTWD also makes me want to be a better man, to be a good father and to bring love and light to our family. Who would have thought a teensy, tiny little spanking would do all that?!


Her POV:

I was raised in a culture of guilt. I accept the blame for everything, and I mean everything. I stress from life in general, I didn't do well enough, I didn't give enough, I shouldn't have been annoyed at the children, the laundry wasn't done, I didn't finish an assignment, dinner was delayed or something happened along the way and a step took longer than it should have. I am my own worst critic.

I take things to heart. Sometimes I am overly sensitive. Things are said that are innocuous, but I get upset. Or just the trials of life, things beyond  our control, I fret, and knowing how much is on his plate, hold them in, effectively building walls. I rely on him to help me. Spankings break down those walls and keep us stripped and open, close and communicating.

At other times there is nothing as intimate as laying yourself bare across his lap, open for his touch, in all the ways he chooses to touch you. It is a wonderful, warm, soft, surrendered, vulnerable, cared for, loved, protected feeling. It, too, is stripped away intimacy.

Spanking for us is the tool, the vehicle that we use to drive our relationship. I look to him to support me as I support him, to elevate me as I elevate him, to hold me accountable, to change my 'stinkin' thinkin', to correct me when I stray from our truth, to help me be open, soft, feminine and vulnerable. For us, these things often start with me across his lap, with his leadership and my trust,with my vulnerability and his acceptance, and with the gift to each other of authenticity, of his Dominance and my submission.


  1. As always I want to reach through the screen and hug both of you. These are the exact thoughts running through my head today - running in a big jumbled mess of thoughts - and you've put it together perfectly. Lots of what I've read is completely one way or the other with no room for both, yet both is what I crave. It's so nice to have these feelings validated. Thank you!!!

    1. Awww, thanks, chickadee :) I'm glad we can make you feel less alone. It is most definitely possible to have both. We're living proof. It really doesn't have to be anything defined 'out there'. Our relationships are defined within themselves, between the partners. You balance the equation in whatever way works best for you.


  2. OMG Stinkin thinkin. I Love It. I have to tell the hubby that one. I have major problems with brain shut down. I need to do this or that faster longer better all that garbage. Spanking has brought alot to a 25 year marriage, and i cant think of one bad thing. It is the one thing he does for only me. He sets time out of his crazy week and it's just for me. It sets me free. No stress, no pain, no four kids, no fourteen room house to clean not even sex Just time to relax and feel. Not that it doesn't lead to that 99 percent of the time cause it does, but to feel him spanking me but its so much more than that, it's like our souls connecting. Everything in the world goes away except for him and me. Does that make sense cause Im still trying to wrap my head around the fact that at 47 years old I asked my husband to start spanking outside of sex?

    1. It makes perfect sense, Annie. It absolutely sets me free as well. Daddy recently told me that - "you are so free after a relaxed." And I am, I feel so close to him, and not just for a limited time, it does all those things for me, it also fills and stretches me and deepens my capacity to love and my desire to give.


  3. Thank you both for this post! I'm going to share it with my husband who is not a spanking enthusiast, but loves me enough to do it for me. Trying to understand what it means to me, what it does for us as a couple is sometimes hard to put into words, but you've done so beautifully - and from both sides, which is a double blessing! <3

    1. Thanks so much, Cali. It is wonderful when they love us enough to give us those things that we need, even when it may not be within their comfort zones. It can be hard to put into words. Daddy and I talk all the time, and he allows me the freedom to find my words. He encourages the exploration and understanding, even though he understands me much better than I do myself most times :)


  4. I have to say this really hits home! I am not able to articulate today...but thanks!

    1. So glad it spoke to you, Minelle :)


  5. Thank you Ward and June for another great post. This hits home for me too and you are so right, we should give voice to our dreams, passions and desires and work together to find that special place that is just for us and helps our relationship to flourish.

    TTWD has done so much for us, it has given us a wonderful connection and intimacy far beyond our expectations when we started this journey.


    1. Thank you, Roz :) We're glad you found some inspiration here, we certainly find inspiration in the experiences you share. The depth of your relationship is a gorgeous thing to see, and has been an example for us.


  6. Thank you both so much. I can't tell you how much your willingness as a couple to "put yourselves out there" has helped me and us. It has helped me not to feel like a freak, and to realize that it's okay and a lot more normal, this need to connect this way.

    The Man often reads your blogs and has often said there is great wisdom here.

    1. You're not a freak, sweetie, and if you are, well I am too, so we're not alone at all! I think I have really stopped looking outside to validate us. I say to Daddy all the time "I'm a freak, Daddy!" and he smiles, kisses my forehead and says, "You're not a freak, lovey, you're my little girl."And that's good enough for me :D


  7. There is such a large part of me that loves/desires spanking for the same reasons as you June. I love the closeness and StrongMan is very sensual and touches me... It's relaxing. The pain just intensifies the pleasure and the feeling of anxiety over the spanking is exciting to me. It does hurt though ;)


    1. My Daddy says - even a good girl spanking is a spanking, and spankings are supposed to hurt, sara O_o But that means something for us. The fact that I allow him to give me pain, and accept it with grace and gratitude, the fact that he is willing to give me the pain I need and that heals me - that just makes an incredible, almost mystical connection.


  8. I love this post so much. I love the intimacy spanking brings, and it can be quite amazing. I also know when it is for correction, and now that we have been doing TTWD for a little awhile, my mind and body has learned how to respond accordingly to the purpose it is being given. Thank you for sharing so openly :)


    1. Hi, Marie, I love it too :) It's funny, play/gg's can sometimes be more strenuous than correction, but the lesson is always learned and repentance and forgiveness always achieved. It's in the mindset and the communication, I suppose.

      You're most welcome, thank you for reading :)


  9. Love this post and your blog.

    1. Thanks very much, Princess and welcome :)



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