He had a few things to do so was running around and I received a text "Be ready for a spanking later, love. I love you." I got a little anticipatory thrill all through my body, and texted back - just a little breathless, "Yes, Daddy". I had wanted one. I started needing one yesterday, while he was still away. Why? I miss him. I need to feel his authority. I need to feel my place. I need the intimacy and closeness that it brings. I need the trust it implies. I need to surrender to him. When I can't, I'm just not myself. C's Loving Domestic Discipline Blog discusses several types of spankings, and Daddy discussed the reasons for some in a previous post. I guess this one was kind of a combination stress relief/good girl/submission/just-because spanking.
He understands me very well. He sees what I need, even when I don't. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all averse to asking for a spanking if I need one or want one. Daddy is always in control of discipline, even if I ask for it. Just sometimes I think it's more important that he initiate the process, like today. So that text was very welcome. He needed to give and I needed to receive. And now everything is as it should be. Daddy's home again, and so am I.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what happened to my previous post -- here it is again. I love this post. I can soooo relate. We are very new to Dd, but there have been a time or two already, where I really just needed the "role affirmation" that a just because spanking brings. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one. I am loving getting acquainted with your blog -- thanks for the honest appraisal of your version of TTWD.
Hola, Mami, que tal? Thanks for your kind words. RAs/just becauses are awesome, for me, they put me right in that comfortable, safe and happy place. No, not the only one at all :) I'm pleased that you are feeling at home here. I look forward to talking with you some more :)
I love the posts I find here and the intelligently way they are written, with honestly and sweetness. I absolutely love the picture above of the big open hands holding the woman. Could anyone tell me where I can find a framed copy of this picture? It's really beautiful and expresses the way I feel about the love my life, his strong open hands holding and protecting me in the bareness of my heart and soul and body. Thank you... hugs to you. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks very much, Anonymous. I love the picture as well, it is very much how I feel...safe in Daddy's hands. I did a few web searches for the image, and I am unable to find either an original source, or anywhere that the image is available for sale. The biggest I found on line was 250 pixels x 250. That wouldn't make a very large image, unfortunately.
DeleteThanks for reading, and (((hugs)))
Thank you so much June for your time and speedy response. Would you happen to know the artist's name? My son is an amazing artist and says he will draw it for me if I can't find it. In fact, I find it so inspirational and beautiful that I went to an art store today and bought some books on drawing hands and anatomy It should be entitled, "Daddy's Hands".. shouldn't it? (Big smile) Thank you again for your time to my query. Hugs to you June... :)
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome! No, I can find nothing but the image on 3 sources, with no reference of the artist, or links to origin. I have always been fascinated with hands as well, and did a lot of sketching on hands in my younger days. So this image is fascinating on a number of levels.
DeleteIt would be amazing if your son could draw it for you! I'd love to see the result :) Daddy's Hands would be an awesome name, very fitting!
Hi June,
DeleteI am so envious of your relationship with your Ward. I have a beautiful relationship with my soul-mate and best friend but he won't do more than playful spankings on the bare (blush)...which I love but I want so badly to experience it on a deeper level and I often feel there must be something terribly wrong with me but I truly understand the connection it would bring. I don't know how I would actually handle the pain, but I want the experience. (My sisters would think I have lost my mind if they knew this little secret about me!) Do you or Ward have any suggestions for me as to how I might approach this subject with the love of my life? Thank you for your honesty and ongoing kindness. Pearl
Hi Pearl :)
DeleteSorry for the delay in answering. Things have been a bit crazy. It takes work, I won't lie, lots of work and honesty and open communication. And surely no need to blush with me. I still ask myself if there is something wrong with me. But Ward says I'm just his girl, and this is who we are. You might be surprised at how you handle the pain, and what it speaks to your heart and soul.
If you like, please do email me any questions, or Ward as well, we'd be happy to help. He'll be home tomorrow night! (ward_june@ymail.com)
Thank you June. I truly do admire and appreciate this site and the honesty and intelligence here, it's just so validating. As most of us already painfully know, most, if not all relationships that are very, very hard, requiring a tremendous amount of work. I don't feel my love will ever be willing to implement domestic disciple with me as he is afraid of hurting me too much.. but I can't imagine life without him, so DD or no, I am totally his.
DeleteLast night we got into a very painful fight...and I almost left. But I stayed and just cried it out with him. I would have much preferred to have felt his hands on my backside and then to have just had it all over and forgiven. But...I'm still here and I still love him with all my heart and soul and I hope he feels the same. Thank you again, June... Hugs... Pearl